Started in 2011, JD Creative Media exists to serve your communication and media needs.
With over 12 years experience on church staff, 4 years consulting churches across the U.S., and 14 years in media & communication — JD Creative Media seeks to come alongside with media insights and assets to help you succeed.
Effective church communication should result in a church who is pursuing God's calling for their community with greater clarity. In today's digital age, churches have to stay in the conversation in a meaningful way, employing media in an excellent and effective way.
To this end, we serve. We know the pastor's calling doesn't entail building a website or producing a video. We're here to listen and bring to life effective ministry tools that help people take their next step.
Mass communication within the context of a church serves a purpose beyond mere "marketing." We're not selling anything; rather, we are seeking to make the programs, initiatives, and invitations of each local church clear to those who seek to grow spiritually in your community.
Communications, then, is merely an amplifier of your church's call to make disciples.